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blog, grid, grid down, news, prepare, prepper, prepping, prepping tips, survival, texas strong, tips, weather -

Well, the last 10 days was no fun.  So many people suffered who were not prepared and it is just another example on why you shouldn’t rely on someone else to take care of you in any kind of emergency. We should all look at what happened in Texas and make improvements, but upgrading the grid In Texas or throughout the United States is not glamourous and is expensive, therefore, I doubt there will be any significant changes. For so long, preppers were viewed as a little crazy. People who prepped for a pandemic were openly ridiculed. People who prepped...

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2020, news, prepare, prepping, prepping article, unprecedented times -

Prepping is a way of life and many are just beginning to realize the importance in being prepared for the unexpected.  Who could have guessed we would be facing a virus that becomes a political power struggle to confine and rule over the average American. I think one thing that has become crystal clear is, relying on other's for accurate, unbiased information is a fool's game.  YOU DO YOU better than anyone and doing what is best for you and your family must be the number one focus- all other's be damned.  Don't worry about what other people think, do...

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covid, emergency, prepping, survival -

  Although we are all in the same storm, we are not all in the same boat. Prepping is and always has been personal insurance for survival. The big difference between a prepper and a non-prepper is we recognize and see the flaws and vulnerabilities in our infrastructure. Preppers tend to see the weak links in our chains of operations and adapt a plan accordingly.   So, fast forward to today's COVID Virus... Although I never prepped for a Pandemic, I have found that my prepping strategy has covered me well.  I have made only a few trips to the...

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